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Exceptional selection of artworks by Kain Tapper

(Picture: Juha Laitalainen 1998).

Modern Masters Helsinki presents six exquisite works by Kain Tapper. Ranging from a miniature watercolour to a monumental relief, the works represent the artist’s work from many angles.

Despite his mastery of various materials, he had the highest regard for stone and wood. The impression of Tapper’s hand on the wooden relief is soft but roughened, directly inviting the viewer to feel the surface structure of the work. And this was indeed what the artist intended. The sensation of a wooden surface felt by the hand was an important part of experiencing and living with artworks in Tapper’s emotional milieu. Please do not hesitate to contact our expert Laura Pohjola for more information and additional condition reports.

Auction: 14 November, starts at 2PM. Mastokatu 4-6, 00160 Helsinki.
Contact information: Laura Pohjola,, 0400 46 45 76

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