"Michael Jackson, New York City, 1999"
Signerad Albert Watson och numrerad 3/10 a tergo. Chromogenic print, bildyta 146 x 87 cm.
Fotografiska, Stockholm, "Albert Watson", 2011 (samma motiv visades).
Inspirerad av musikvideons estetik karaktäriseras det aktuella verket av en expressiv dynamik. Fotografiet som bäst kan liknas vid en gigantisk kontaktkarta med ögonblicksbilder, fångar på ett lysande vis Michael Jacksons mångfacetterade esse men även MTV-erans poppiga perception. Watson minns de 30, förevigade, minuterna väl: ”To give Michael more flexibility (and to add a little fun) I gave him what was essentially a stripper's pole on a white Plexi stage. When he arrived on the set, Michael [...] started dancing in front of the mirrors to "Billie Jean," which we played over the studio stereo system. Because of the set-up and the preparation, it was hard not to get some magical shots in almost every frame during the roughly 30 minutes he danced in front of the camera. This was Michael Jackson dancing, after all. How could you go wrong?"