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Målning/väggfält, pigment på bomullsduk. Indien, 1900-tal.

Målning/väggfält, pigment på bomullsduk. Indien, 1900-tal.

S.k. "Picchavai". Förställande Krishna omgiven av präster och adoranter, 195x172 cm.

Bruksslitage. Skador och lagningar i de båda nedre hörnen..


Dr U. R. Remitz, Personnel Director at WHO in Geneva 1966-70; stationed at the regional Asian headquarter in New Dehli 1970-76 and at the regional Europe headquarter in Copenhagen 1976-82.
During his time in New Dehli he made extensive travels throughout Asia. During these travels he bought several objects in various countries. Some of them presented at this auction.


Pichhavais are cloth paintings produced for display in Vallabhacharya temples. Vallabhacharya (or Pushtimarg) is a school of Hinduism prominent in Northwest India that focuses on the life of Krishna. Vallabhacharya temples are traditionally adorned with painted cloths that hang on the walls and cover the furnishing, each one taking its name from the area or object it covers. The pichhavai (lit. ‘of behind’) is designed specifically to hang on the rear wall behind the image of the idol, and is the most important of the hangings.

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